Can I use any USB plug adapter to charge my Philips OneBlade?
Please refer to the information below for more details.
What type of adapter should I use?
To safely and efficiently charge your OneBlade, ensure that your USB adapter meets the following specifications:
- Input voltage: 100–240 V.
- Output voltage: 5 V.
- Power output: 1 A or higher.
- If you intend to charge your OneBlade in an environment with a lot of moisture or humidity (a bathroom, for example) always use a splash-proof (IPX4*) rated adapter.
You can find these specifications printed on the adapter itself (see the example below) or in the documentation you received when purchasing your adapter.
*Tip: the X in IPX4 is a placeholder and another digit may appear in its place (e.g. IP24 or IP44) in the description of an adapter. As long as the second digit after "IP" is "4" the adapter is classified as splash-proof.
Can I get an adapter from Philips?
- If you are in the United States of America, please click here.
- If you are in Canada, please contact us for support.
- If you are anywhere else, please click here and search "HQ87" or "USB wall adapter" in the search bar at the top of the page.