Your Philips kettle comes with various symbols to mark different temperature settings in a friendly fashion. Find out their meaning.
What do the symbols on my Philips kettle mean?
'Green tea' symbol
Setting for heating up water to the required temperature for white, mate or green tea.
Water is heated to 80°C.
'Coffee beans' symbol
Setting for heating up water to the required temperature for instant coffee or drip filter coffee.
Water is heated to 90°C.
'Black tea / herbal tea / hot chocolate' symbol
Setting for heating up water to the required temperature for black tea, herbal tea, redbush tea, hot chocolate, (instant) soup, pasta, rice and noodles.
Water is boiled 100°C.
'Green tea' symbol (Beige-wood brown model)
Setting for heating up water to the required temperature for green tea and white tea.
- White tea 70°C
- Green tea 80°C
- Green tea and Oolong tea 90°C
'Black tea / herbal tea / redbush' symbol (Beige-wood brown model)
Setting for heating up water to the required temperature for black tea, fruit tea, herbal tea and redbush tea.
Water is boiled 100°C.