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    Philips Support

    Using the Avent breast pump, I express little/no milk

    Published on 2019-11-17

    If you are using the Philips Avent breast pump and you are not expressing as you want to, these tips and tricks might help.

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    When you do feel suction but little or no milk is being expressed, remember that using a breast pump takes practice. You may need to make several attempts before you succeed.

    1. Choose a quiet time when you aren't in a rush and are unlikely to be disturbed.
    2. Having your baby or a photograph of your baby nearby can help encourage your milk flow.
    3. Warmth and relaxation can help, so you might like to try expressing after a warm bath or shower.
    4. Placing a warm flannel on your breasts, using a Philips Avent thermogel pad or massaging your breast for a few minutes before you start pumping can also encourage your milk flow and soothe painful breasts.
    5. Try expressing from one breast while your baby is feeding from the other, or continue expressing just after a feed. It could help pumping first thing in the morning.
    6. Wait for at least one hour after feeding before you express milk.
    7. Repositioning the pump on your breast from time to time can help stimulate your milk ducts.
    8. Make sure that the nipple can move freely while expressing.

    Find more tips and tricks on YouTube

    Do not continue pumping for more than 5 minutes at a time if no result is achieved. Try expressing at another time during the day. If expressing becomes painful, stop and consult your breastfeeding advisor or healthcare professional.

    Just after birth, the quantity of milk production is still very low. This is normal and should not be worrying as your baby will also need small amounts. If you feel insecure, discuss this with your midwife, GP, lactation specialist or breastfeeding advisor.

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