Anatomical Intelligence
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    Anatomical Intelligence

    Turning images 

    into answers

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    What is Anatomical Intelligence?


    Anatomical Intelligence looks at a patient’s ultrasound data and applies adaptive system intelligence using 3D anatomical models to create easier and more reproducible results. Anatomical Intelligence in ultrasound uses advanced organ modeling, image slicing, and proven quantification to help make ultrasound exams easier to perform and more reproducible while delivering new levels of clinical information to meet the economic and clinical challenges of today’s healthcare environment.

    HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅- watch the webinar by Dr. Salgo

    Dr Ivan Salgo Thumbnail

    Watch the webinar by Dr. Salgo

    “In the digital age that we live in, precision, accuracy, granularity is important. And clinical medicine is more challenging than ever. …So we really have to do a good job converting data into information. And that’s what HeartModel does!”


    Dr. Ivan Salgo, MD

    HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ for echocardiography

    HeartModel echocardiograph cropped

    HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ is a new premier Anatomically Intelligent Ultrasound (AIUS) application that automatically detects, segments and quantifies the left ventricle and left atrium volumes and ejection fraction, from the same Live 3D volume. HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ brings advanced automated quantification, 3D views, and robust reproducibility plus time-savings of up to 82% to everyday echocardiography.

    White paper

    HeartModelA.I Poster

    Automated transthoracic 3D echo quantification of the left heart chambers


    White paper

    HeartModelA.I White Paper

    HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ Removing the complexity of Live 3D Quantification



    HeartModelA.I White Paper

    Reproducible EF in seconds – Philips EPIQ 7 HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅



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    HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ gives you critical information in seconds

    This study compared quantification between 2D and Live 3D HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ and demonstrated a 82% time savings for HeartModelᴬ⋅ᴵ⋅ when using the automated capability, and 63% time savings when minor edits were required.

    AIUS study results

    5 reasons to try Anatomical Intelligence


    More users can have more diagnostic confidence due to increased reproducibility with less steps in less time than traditional methods.

    Conventional ultrasound

    Anatomical intelligence

    Where to find anatomical intelligence technology


    Anatomical Intelligence is used in Philips imaging solutions such as EPIQ, Affiniti, and EchoNavigator. Already today it is providing clinicians with sophisticated, yet easy-to-use processing tools, and helping them quickly and more confidently identify anatomy and anomalies, assess disease states, determine treatment, and guide interventions.


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