Structural heart disease

Confidence and efficiency in structural heart interventions

Preparation is everything when it comes to changing the landscape of minimally invasive structural cardiac interventions. The demands of transcatheter valvular and other structural heart procedures require a future-proof, fully integrated environment. Our SHD portfolio enables heart teams to grow their program and drive upcoming transcatheter innovations through workflow flexibility and multimodal imaging integration. This enhances communication, enables efficiency and provides confidence in anatomical guidance, device navigation, and accurate device placement. 

Interventional cathlab for SHD

Improving cath lab performance while staying close to the heart

The Azurion SHD suite was designed to keep you confident and in control, adapting to your workflow needs and letting the system work seamlessly around you so that you may focus on your patient. 

Azurion Philips

Azurion 7 M20 with FlexArm - the heart of our solution for cardiac care

Treat one more patient per day, by reducing procedure time by 17%* with optimized workflow options in interventional therapy and clinical software.

Echonavigator philips

Live image guidance
and fusion — EchoNavigator

Automatically fuses live 3D TEE and live X-ray in real time. So you can intuitively guide your device in the 3D space more quickly and efficiently when every move counts. 

HeartNavigator Philips

Insightful planning and guidance for SHD procedures - HeartNavigator

Stay close to the heart with increased confidence and ease during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and other challenging SHD procedures. The immersive user experience is highly automated to simplify planning, device selection and projection angle selection. During procedures, it provides live image guidance to support device positioning. 

Technologies and innovations

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*Reducing procedure time by 17%, with the ability to treat 1 more patient per day with optimized workflow options in image guided therapy and clinical software (Azurion - Philips Azurion Simulation Study 2016 - 12NC 452299123041 - FEB 2017). Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.


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