HIMSS Health Conference
Partner for Digital Transformation

Partner for Digital Transformation

Philips at HIMSS APAC 2021

October 18 – 19 2021 in Singapore | Hybrid

Philips is committed to being a long-term partner of your digital transformation uniting devices, data, technology and people across networks of care. We have solutions that can support you on this journey regardless of where you are in this transition.  This will allow you to Illuminate a New path through the Care Continuum. Learn how to get Informatics Right in crucial areas of your health system through these areas of interest. 

Inside the hospital of the future
(HIMSS APAC 21 registration required)

18 October 2021 | 10:20AM – 11:05AM

Join the panel discussion in how the smart hospital is flexible enough to deliver highly complex care to large numbers of new patients in exceptional circumstances such as a pandemic, while continuing to provide regular and elective care to the rest of the population.

Speaker and panelists: 
Peter Ziese, Head of Medical Strategy &. Innovation, Senior Vice President, Philips Dr. Quek Lit Sin, Chief Executive Officer, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Dr. Ronnie Ptasznik, Program Director, Monash Health Imaging, Monash Health, Ivy Lai (Moderator), Country Manager, Philips Singapore and Chief Financial Officer, Philips ASEAN Pacific.

How AI can augment the human experience for better patient care​
Healthcare IT leaders have come to recognize AI as an essential tool for turning ever-growing amounts of data into meaningful insights. How can we use AI to help physicians and staff focus on what’s most important, and provide better care to patients, without technology getting in their way? Learn from real-world examples how AI can augment the capabilities of physicians and staff, accelerate workflows for improved efficiency and patient experience, and advise on clinical and operational optimization.

Speaker: Sham Shoka, SVP and Head of Marketing & Innovation, Philips

Available on demand

Inside the hospital of the future

Collaborative approach to digital transformation

Case Studies: The future of patient care is now

Case Studies: The future of patient care is now

The demand for acute care is expected to grow, driven by an aging population and a rise in chronic conditions and co-morbidities. Learn the positive effects of digitization in hospitals and the challenges that could negatively affect care.

 Philips Manifesto: Bringing healthcare IT leaders’ vision to life

Philips Manifesto: Bringing healthcare IT leaders’ vision to life


Digital transformation remains one of the greatest challenges facing healthcare. We are committed to making the transformation happen together.

Elad Benjamin

Healthcareinformatics: Illuminate a new path through digital health transformation


Let’s watch Elad Benjamin, Vice President, Business Leader Clinical Data Service, Philips explained how Philips addressing the problem of tomorrow and driving connected, future-ready care in this digital health transformation defining moments.

Jump into our virtual space and take a tour

Explore our Health Informatics Experience to see our latest informatics innovations

Virtual Health

Virtual Health

Philips Tele ICU solutions provide supplemental or continuous monitoring support for the critical care environment and enhanced clinical decision‐support.

Acute Patient Management

Acute Patient Management

Philips enables outcomes-driven patient management by delivering the most clinically-valuable insights to all points of care, supporting shared decision-making and empowering all caregivers to work together at their best.

Enterprise Imaging

Enterprise Imaging

By combining diagnostic imaging expertise with enterprise-level informatics strength, Philips enables simple and secure data integration among specialties – like radiology, pathology, cardiology, and oncology – and between institutions.  Ultimately, this allows clinicians to make unprecedented precision diagnoses.

Enterprise Operational Informatics

Enterprise Operational Informatics

Philips PerformanceBridge is a vendor-agnostic, web-based, real-time data platform that aggregates data from multiple sources, like your RIS, PACS, and financial systems, and helps drive continuous improvement in a range of areas such as workflow, asset optimization, and planning for the needs of patient populations.

Patient Engagement

Patient Engagement

Philips Patient Engagement and Healthcare Analytics solutions  equip healthcare organizations with actionable insights allowing  clinicians to engage with patients across their care journey and  deliver personalized care.

Interoperability Solutions

Interoperability Solutions

The future of care will be about connecting the dots, removing disconnects, and sharing data along the value chain. Interoperability of data to support the collaboration of players will be key. We provide powerful end-to–end solutions and a service model that focuses on intra- and inter-enterprise interoperability.

Enterprise Monitoring as a Service (EMaaS)

Enterprise Monitoring as a Service (EMaaS)

Philips Enterprise Monitoring as a Service offers a transformative and sustainable approach to patient monitoring that delivers ongoing value.

Patient Flow Capacity Suite

Patient Flow Capacity Suite

Patient Flow Capacity Suite Combine patient insights, care needs and resource requirements from multiple systems;  Identify priorities and patient flow bottlenecks across care settings; Coordinate efficient patient transition decisions. To help deliver care at the right time, place and care setting, and therefore enhance, overall cost of care and potential staff and patient satisfaction.

DIAM: A strategic roadmap to digital imaging maturity
HIMSS Analytics DIAM logo

DIAM: A strategic roadmap to digital imaging maturity

DIAM, and other HIMSS Analytics Maturity Model frameworks were built to assist organizations around the globe to efficiently and effectively adopt and get the most out of their technology. To guide organizations along the way, HIMSS Analytics Certified Organizations have been professionally trained on the maturity model(s) and are able to effectively educate and guide you as you progress through the maturity model stages.

Philips is a Certified Organization for the HIMSS Analytics DIAM.

On-demand content available now

Are your Medical Devices Cybersecure?

HIMSS Digital Dialogue – Episode 1: Are your Medical Devices Cybersecure?

Speakers: Richard Staynings Chief Security Strategis, Cylera, and Jonathan Bagnall, Ph.D., Cybersecurity Global Market Leader, Philips

Digital ICU Evolution: Past, Present and Future

HIMSS Digital Dialogue – Episode 2: Digital ICU Evolution: Past, Present and Future

Speakers: A/Prof John Santamaria Director, Intensive Care Unit St Vincent's Hospital, and Chris Wise Clinical Information System Manager Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Healthcare Interoperability: Are your medical devices EMR ready?

HIMSS Digital Dialogue – Episode 3: Healthcare Interoperability: Are your medical devices EMR ready?

Speakers: Benedict Tan, Group Chief Digital Strategy Officer & Chief Data Officer, SingHealth, and Kevin Phillips Business Category Lead, Clinical Data Services, Philips

Explore solution demos

Browse our library of on-demand demos and talks presented at HIMSS 2021.

Illuminating a new path through the Care Continuum

Philips welcomes you to HIMSS 2021 Healthcare's technology leaders are making strides toward digitalization but, new approaches are needed to realize the full potential of truly integrated informatics.

Learn how we can help empower collaboration and partnership at defining moments in each patient journey.

HIMSS 2021 informatics video thumbnail
Illuminate a clear path to precision care video thumbnail

Getting informatics right

To move Health Informatics forward, data has to be unleashed, boundaries broken and users of data empowered.


Getting Health Informatics right will transform tomorrow’s medicine.

Watch Philips Live

Watch Philips Live! TV

  • Expert interviews
  • Partners in care testimonials
  • Presentations of latest innovations

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Philips News from HIMSS21 at Las Vegas



The speed and intensity of the pandemic has challenged us on what the hospital of
the future will look like. It has brought to the forefront the concept of a
networked healthcare system. The hospital of the future is a network with
flexible capacity and connected by digital infrastructures.

Read this article

Our PR Contacts

For HIMSS press inquiries, please contact:

Picture of Jane Yeo, Head of communications, APAC

Jane Yeo
Head of Communications Asia Pacific


What are your challenges in healthcare informatics? Schedule a meeting with us and let’s start a conversation.

We are always interested in engaging with you.

Let us know how we can help.

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